Expert Center

Procedure for Conducting Expert and Inspection Activities

For conducting expert and inspection work following an incident involving rolling stock due to an accident or derailment caused by cast parts of the rolling stock, the Customer provides fragments of the broken part of the rolling stock (including any defects) to KazCSTT for instrumental and visual inspection and physico-chemical analysis. Additionally, the Customer must provide the following investigation materials for the derailment of the wagons:

  • Act of Special Service Investigation of Wagon or Rolling Stock Derailment;
  • Special Opinion;
  • Reports 2653 from IVTs ZhA and sGVTs;
  • Protocol of the operational meeting chaired by the Chief Inspector of the Traffic Safety Department of JSC "NC "KTZ";
  • Telegrams;
  • Materials related to the derailment of wagons or rolling stock (volumes);
  • Protocol of the operational meeting (via video conference) chaired by the Vice-President of JSC "NC "KTZ";
  • Railway bill for the wagon or rolling stock;
  • Archive of wagon location, formed based on daily data from IVTs ZhA;
  • Longitudinal profile of the track section where the derailment occurred;
  • Other materials related to the wagon and cast parts.

Upon a positive decision, a contract for the provision of services will be concluded.

The presentation of products for inspection is carried out individually or in batches, or as a combination of several units or batches, as reflected in the presentation notice.

1.      The selection of product samples from the batch and testing is carried out by the manufacturer's employees under the supervision of the inspection inspector.

2.      The program and methodology for testing during expert and inspection control of products are agreed upon by the manufacturer with the Center.

3.      During the inspection control of products, the inspector checks:

  • Technical documentation for the production of products;
  • Availability of conformity certificates if the product is subject to mandatory certification;
  • Availability of a declaration of conformity if the conformity of the product is confirmed in the form of a declaration of conformity;
  • Completeness of the products;
  • Compliance of the results of acceptance tests with the technical parameters established in the technical and regulatory documentation;
  • Presence of marks indicating the acceptance of the product by the manufacturer's Quality Control Department (QCD);
  • Presence, content, and quality of labeling (serial number).

When inspecting all types of rolling stock, including special rolling stock, after manufacture, overhaul, and/or modernization, the manufacturer must meet the technical condition requirements before shipping the product to the consumer, properly complete the product passport, and accompanying documentation.

4.      Measuring instruments used during inspection control must be verified or calibrated, and the testing equipment must be certified according to the requirements of the State System for Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

5.      Methods and technological instructions for all types of non-destructive testing must be agreed upon in the prescribed manner and ensure the necessary level of quality control.

The results of the inspection control procedures are recorded in the appropriate logbook or directly in the documents presented by the manufacturer along with a written notice for the inspection control of products.

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