Testing Center

The Testing Center of LLP "Kazakhstan Certification Center for Railway Transport" is accredited in the accreditation system of the Republic of Kazakhstan for compliance with the requirements of GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2009 "General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories," Accreditation Certificate No. KZ.Т.14.1507 dated 17.07.2014.

The Testing Center is included in the Unified Register of Conformity Assessment Bodies and Testing Laboratories (Centers) of the Eurasian Economic Union.

The Testing Center conducts tests according to the designated scope of accreditation.

Procedure for Conducting Tests

1. Certification Tests

  • Submission of an application for product certification by the applicant to the conformity assessment body (CAB);
  • Issuance of a certification decision by the CAB, listing the indicators to be confirmed through product testing;
  • Conclusion of a service agreement for certification with the applicant;
  • Development and approval of the necessary organizational and methodological documents for conducting product tests in the prescribed manner;
  • Selection and identification of product samples for testing;
  • Preparation of measuring instruments (MI) and testing equipment (TE), development, and manufacturing of necessary fixtures;
  • Conducting certification tests of the products;
  • Rapid analysis of primary data obtained during testing;
  • Processing primary data in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents;
  • Preparation of test reports and their submission to the CAB for review.

2. Other Types of Tests (preliminary, control, acceptance, qualification, comparative, and others):

  • Receipt of a test request from the customer;
  • Submission of a commercial proposal for testing services to the customer;
  • Conclusion of a service agreement for conducting tests with the customer;
  • Development and approval of the necessary organizational and methodological documents for conducting product tests in the prescribed manner;
  • Selection and identification of product samples for testing;
  • Preparation of measuring instruments (MI) and testing equipment (TE), development, and manufacturing of necessary fixtures;
  • Conducting product tests;
  • Rapid analysis of primary data obtained during testing;
  • Processing primary data in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents;
  • Preparation of test reports and their submission to the customer.
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