Procedure for the Registration of the Declaration of Conformity within the EAEU

The registration of the declaration of conformity includes the following procedure:

  • Submission of an application for the registration of the declaration of conformity to the OPS, along with the attached set of documents;
  • Determination of the responsible persons for the application by the OPS head;
  • Registration of the application in the OPS journal;
  • Conclusion of an agreement for the provision of declaration services;
  • Verification by the OPS of the completeness of the submitted documents and the correctness of the declaration of conformity;
  • Data analysis and decision-making;
  • Registration of the declaration of conformity (in case of a positive decision);
  • Notification of the results of the conformity declaration.

The procedure for the registration, suspension, renewal, and termination of declarations of conformity with the requirements of the TR CU is carried out in accordance with Decision No. 41.

The list of conformity declaration schemes is provided in the TR CU.

Submission of the application for the registration of the declaration of conformity

The basis for starting the registration of the declaration is an application. The application is submitted by the applicant together with a set of documents.

Form of the application for the registration of the declaration of conformity

When declaring conformity based on own evidence, the applicant accepting the declaration of conformity independently forms a set of evidential materials, which includes:

A set of documents that served as the basis for the acceptance of the declaration of conformity, depending on the conformity declaration scheme applied by the applicant, includes the following documents:

a) For serially produced products:

  • A document containing information about the applicant's registration or accounting (individual, identification) number assigned during the state registration of a legal entity or an individual as an individual entrepreneur in accordance with the legislation of the member states;
  • Copies of technical documentation (design, technological, repair documentation (repair documentation project), operational documentation and/or technical specifications (descriptions)) for the product, containing the main parameters and characteristics of the product, as well as its description for the purpose of conformity assessment;
  • A list of standards (indicating their designations and titles, as well as sections (points, subpoints), if compliance with the requirements of the TR CU can be ensured by applying individual sections (points, subpoints) of these standards, and not the standards as a whole), included in the list of standards, as a result of the application of which the requirements of the technical regulation are met (if applied by the applicant);
  • A safety justification for the purpose of confirming the product's compliance in case of non-application or partial application of the standards included in the list of standards, as a result of the application of which the requirements of the TR CU are met;
  • A contract with the manufacturer (including a foreign manufacturer) providing for the compliance of the products supplied to the customs territory of the Union with the requirements of the TR CU and responsibility for the non-compliance of such products with these requirements (for the authorized person of the manufacturer);
  • A document containing information about the existing certificates of conformity and declarations of conformity for the products, parts of which are subject to conformity confirmation (indicating the number and date of registration);
  • A certificate (copy of the certificate) of the manufacturer's management system (for scheme 6d);
  • Other documents at the applicant's discretion (calculation results, expert opinions, research (testing) and measurement protocols of product samples, etc.), which served as the basis for the acceptance of the declaration of conformity (if available);

b) For a batch of products or a single item:

  • A document containing information about the applicant's registration or accounting (individual, identification) number assigned during the state registration of a legal entity or an individual as an individual entrepreneur in accordance with the legislation of the member states;
  • A copy of the contract (supply agreement) and accompanying documents identifying the single item or batch of products (including its size);
  • A copy of the operational documents, copies of repair documentation (repair documentation project);
  • A list of standards (indicating their designations and titles, as well as sections (points, subpoints), if compliance with the requirements of the TR CU can be ensured by applying individual sections (points, subpoints) of these standards, and not the standards as a whole), included in the list of standards, as a result of the application of which the requirements of the TR CU are met (if applied by the applicant);
  • A safety justification for the purpose of confirming compliance in case of non-application or partial application of the standards included in the list of standards, as a result of the application of which the requirements of the TR CU are met;
  • Protocols of research (testing) and measurements of product samples (if available);
  • A document containing information about the existing certificates of conformity and declarations of conformity for the products, parts of which are subject to conformity confirmation (indicating the number and date of registration);
  • Other documents at the applicant's discretion, which served as the basis for the acceptance of the declaration of conformity (if available).

The specified set of documents is formed on paper or electronic media.

Documents submitted to the OPS in electronic form must be signed using an electronic digital signature (electronic signature) obtained by the applicant in accordance with the legislation of the member state.

The specified documents, drawn up in a foreign language, are accompanied by a translation into Russian and, if there is a corresponding requirement in the legislation of the member state, into the state language(s) of the member state where the declaration of conformity is being registered.

When declaring conformity based on own evidence and evidence obtained with the participation of the OPS and/or an accredited testing laboratory (center), the applicant ensures the conduct of tests, after which he supplements the set of documents with a sample selection act and a protocol (protocols) of research (testing) and measurements conducted depending on the applied conformity declaration scheme in the accredited testing laboratory (center) or the manufacturer's own testing laboratory.

When declaring conformity, the results of research (testing) and measurements of product samples obtained no more than 5 years ago can be used.

A declaration of conformity for products, parts of which are subject to conformity confirmation, can only be registered if there are certificates of conformity or declarations of conformity for these parts.

The declaration of conformity is drawn up in a uniform form and rules approved by the Commission.

Conclusion of the agreement

The registration of the declaration of conformity is carried out based on the agreement for the provision of declaration services.

Verification of the completeness of the submitted documents and the correctness of the declaration of conformity

The verification of the completeness of the submitted documents and the correctness of the declaration of conformity is formalized in the form of a conclusion on conformity/non-conformity.

Registration of the declaration of conformity

Based on the results of the review of the materials submitted by the applicant, the registration of the declaration of conformity is carried out by assigning it a registration number or notifying the applicant of the refusal to register it (indicating the reasons for the refusal).

Suspension, cancellation of the declaration of conformity

The suspension and cancellation of the registration of the declaration of conformity are carried out in accordance with the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated March 20, 2018, No. 41 "On the Procedure for the Registration, Suspension, Renewal, and Termination of Declarations of Conformity of Products with the Requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union."

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