Procedure for Handling Complaints and Appeals on Decisions of OPS LLP KazCSTT

In case of disagreements regarding issues related to the activities of LLP "KazCSTT" concerning OPS or IC, the applicant has the right to file a complaint or appeal addressed to the Director of LLP "KazCSTT."

Complaints and appeals must be submitted to LLP "KazCSTT" no later than 30 calendar days from the date of receiving the notification of the decision or receiving any service related to conformity assessment.

The applicant must provide:

  • A complaint and/or appeal in any form (indicating the name of the applicant, their location, exact postal address, outgoing number and date, the essence of the complaint or appeal, actions of OPS or IC, clearly formulated requirements regarding the subject of the dispute);
  • Correspondence on the disputed issue if any was conducted;
  • Other documents (information) as required by the commission.

Complaints and appeals submitted anonymously, without specifying the surname, first name, patronymic, without a signature, or without stating the essence of the issue are not considered. If the conditions that led to the non-consideration are subsequently eliminated, the complaint and appeal must be reviewed.

Filing a complaint or appeal does not suspend the decisions made by OPS or IC.

After registering the complaint or appeal, it is forwarded to the Director of LLP "KazCSTT" or, in their absence, to the First Deputy Director of LLP "KazCSTT," who assesses its relevance to the company's activities and the relevant structural unit (OPS or IC).

If it pertains to conformity assessment or the operation of the conformity assessment system, the complaint or appeal is referred to the Secretary of the Complaints and Appeals Commission for review.

Correspondence regarding the review of complaints and appeals is conducted in the language of the application.

A permanent commission is established to review complaints and appeals.

When reviewing complaints or appeals, the commission takes measures to ensure the confidentiality of information constituting commercial secrets.

The commission includes individuals who did not participate in the activities related to the complaint or appeal.

To prevent conflicts of interest, personnel who provided consultation to the applicant or were hired by the applicant cannot be involved in analyzing or deciding on the complaint or appeal of this applicant within two years after the consultation or employment ended.

The qualifications and experience of the individuals must ensure objective and reasoned decisions.

When reviewing a complaint or appeal, commission members are guided by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of technical regulation and ensuring the uniformity of measurements, conformity assessment, regulatory acts, normative technical documents, standardization documents, and PL 002-2021 "Regulations on the Commission and the Procedure for Reviewing Appeals and Complaints."

Commission members review the complaint and appeal substantively, objectively assess the circumstances and reasons that served as the basis for filing the complaint or appeal, and verify their accuracy.

Decisions of the commission are made by open voting and are considered adopted if the majority of the commission members present at the meeting vote in favor. In case of a tie, the vote of the commission chairman is decisive.

Decisions made by the commission must comply strictly with the requirements of the state technical regulation system and the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Following the review of the complaint or appeal, the secretary prepares and sends a response letter to the applicant, attaching the protocol (in case of a commission meeting). The letter is sent by any convenient method.

Timeframes for Reviewing Complaints or Appeals

Complaints and appeals, according to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the Procedure for Reviewing Appeals of Individuals and Legal Entities," are reviewed within the following timeframes:

  • Issues not requiring additional study and verification are reviewed, and decisions are made within no more than 15 calendar days from the date of their registration.
  • Issues requiring additional study are reviewed, and decisions are made within no more than 30 calendar days from the date of their registration.

Responses to complaints and appeals must be substantiated and motivated, containing specific facts refuting or confirming the applicant's arguments, with an explanation of their right to appeal the decision.

If no objections to the decision are received from either party within 30 calendar days, it is considered accepted.

If the applicant disagrees with the commission's decision, they have the right to appeal to the complaints and appeals commission of the authorized body.

The decision made by the commission of the authorized body can be appealed by the applicant in court according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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