Scope of Accreditation of the Testing Center

Scope of Accreditation of the Testing Center (Download .pdf) The scope of accreditation of the Testing Center extends to railway products according to the lists of Technical Regulations TR TS 001/2011, TR TS 002/2011, and TR TS 003/2011:

  • Freight wagons
  • Isothermal wagons
  • Passenger wagons for mainline locomotive traction
  • Diesel trains, rail buses, their wagons
  • Diesel-electric trains, their wagons
  • Special self-propelled and non-self-propelled railway rolling stock
  • Diesel locomotives, gas turbine locomotives: mainline, shunting, and industrial
  • Mainline electric locomotives: DC, AC, dual-system, others
  • Electric trains: DC, AC, dual-system, their wagons
  • Freight wagon spring plank
  • Tyres for railway rolling stock
  • Valve surge arresters and surge limiters for electric rolling stock
  • Air distributors
  • Brake discs for railway rolling stock
  • Compressors for railway rolling stock
  • Spur gears for traction transmissions of railway rolling stock
  • Solid-rolled wheels for railway rolling stock
  • Wagon wheelsets
  • Locomotive and motor train wheelsets
  • Wheelsets for special railway rolling stock
  • Composite brake blocks for railway rolling stock
  • Cast iron-composite brake blocks for railway rolling stock
  • Cast iron brake blocks for railway rolling stock
  • Coupler body
  • Disc brake mechanism
  • Disc brake pads
  • Finished wagon axles, locomotive and motor train axles, finished axles for special railway rolling stock
  • Rough axles for railway rolling stock
  • Coupler draft gear
  • Roller bearings for railway rolling stock axle boxes
  • Suspension springs for railway rolling stock
  • Side frame of freight wagon bogie
  • Couplings, including automatic couplings
  • Two-axle bogies for freight wagons
  • Bogies for passenger wagons and motor train trailers
  • Driver’s brake valves
  • Coupler draft lug
  • Rolled disc wheel centers for railway rolling stock
  • Cast disc wheel centers for railway rolling stock (castings, finished)
  • Automatic parking brake for railway rolling stock
  • Hydraulic dampers for railway rolling stock
  • Rubber sealing products for brake pneumatic systems (diaphragms, seals, collars, valve seals, gaskets)
  • Coupler draft lug wedge
  • Driver seats for locomotives, motor and special railway rolling stock
  • Passenger seats for motor trains and passenger wagons for locomotive traction
  • Locomotive and motor train bodies
  • Passenger wagon bogie frame
  • Air reservoirs for wagon auto brakes
  • Air reservoirs for traction rolling stock
  • Leaf springs for railway rolling stock
  • Connecting hoses for railway rolling stock brakes
  • Triangles for brake linkage of freight wagon bogies on mainline railways
  • Brake cylinders for railway rolling stock
  • Automatic brake linkage regulator (auto regulator)
  • Brake block holders for railway rolling stock
  • End valve for rolling stock
  • Front and rear coupler stops
  • Brake block keys for mainline railway wagons
  • Brake block keys for mainline railway locomotives
  • Production premises and workstations
  • Clamping bolts for rail fastenings on railway tracks
  • Reinforced concrete beams for turnouts on 1520 mm gauge railways
  • Valve surge arresters and surge limiters for railway power supply devices
  • Reinforced concrete and metal posts for electrified railway contact network supports
  • Spring clamps for rail fastenings
  • Separate and combined rail fastenings
  • Turnout frogs
  • Fishplates for insulated rail joints
  • Double-headed rail fishplates for broad gauge railways
  • Switch blades of various types and brands
  • Rail fastenings for separate rail joints
  • Broad gauge railway rails
  • Tongue rails for railways
  • Guard rails for railways
  • Rail fastenings
  • Elastic rail fastenings with elastic clamps type SKL 12 (with pads) and SKL14 (without pads)
  • Turnouts, repair kits (half switches), crossings of railway tracks
  • Electromechanical turnout drives
  • Elastic spring elements for tracks (double-coil washers, disc springs, clamps)
  • Foundations for electrified railway contact network supports
  • Reinforced concrete sleepers for 1520 mm gauge railways
  • Elements of railway turnout fastenings, kits, external locks
  • Bolts for rail joints
  • Embedded bolts for rail fastenings on railway tracks
  • Nuts for rail joint bolts
  • Nuts for clamping and embedded bolts for rail fastenings on railway tracks
  • Track spikes
  • Rail fastenings for spike fastening tracks
  • Spring anti-creep devices for railway rails
  • Rail fastening gaskets
  • Insulated rail joints
  • Embedded washers for reinforced concrete sleepers
  • Track screws
  • Crushed stone for railway ballast layer from natural stone
  • Metro wagons
  • Traction electrical devices (electropneumatic and electromagnetic contactors, switches, low-voltage controllers, relays, circuit breakers, reactors, disconnectors, resistors, chokes, electropneumatic valves, transformers, electromagnets, rectifiers, converters, fuses)
  • Rotating electrical machines with power over 300 W
  • Turnout sets with reinforced concrete beams
  • Equalizing devices and joints
  • Railway rails of types R43 and R38
  • Railway rails for industrial transport tracks

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