Rights and Obligations of Applicants

The applicant has the right to:

  1. choose the form (in voluntary confirmation of conformity) and the scheme of confirmation of conformity provided for this product, as established in the technical regulations;
  2. demand from the executor the provision of services of appropriate quality and within the time frame stipulated by the conditions of the service agreement for the confirmation of conformity;
  3. submit claims regarding the conformity confirmation procedure in accordance with the OPS (Operator's Certificate of Conformity) accreditation scope.

The applicant is obligated to:

  1. comply with the requirements for conformity confirmation, including the implementation of relevant changes communicated to him by the OPS;
  2. ensure the continuous compliance of certified products with the requirements for this product in the presence of continuous production certification;
  3. take all necessary measures for:
  • conducting assessments and inspection control (if required), including providing documents and records for review, as well as access to relevant equipment, location, territory, personnel, and subcontractors of the customer;
  • handling complaints;
  • participation of observers, if necessary.
  1. not use the documents for conformity confirmation in a way that could damage the reputation of the OPS, and not make any statements regarding the conformity confirmation of their products that the OPS considers misleading or incorrect;
  2. after the suspension, cancellation, or termination of the certificate of conformity or declaration of conformity, stop using all promotional materials that contain any references to certification/declaration of conformity, while informing their customers about the status of certification/declaration of conformity and the date of notification of suspension, cancellation for the purpose of discontinuing the use of the certificate/declaration of conformity and its copies. Additionally, provide the OPS with information confirming the fulfillment of this obligation in writing.
  3. fully reproduce copies of the conformity confirmation documents provided to other persons;
  4. comply with the requirements established by the OPS when referring to the certification/declaration of their products in such information media as documents, brochures, or advertising leaflets;
  5. comply with all certification/declaration requirements regarding the use of the conformity mark, as well as requirements for product information;
  6. keep records of all complaints known to them that relate to compliance with certification/declaration requirements and provide these records to the OPS upon request, and:
  • take appropriate measures regarding such complaints and any deficiencies found in the products that affect compliance with certification/declaration requirements;
  • document the actions taken.
  1. inform the OPS of any changes that may affect their ability to comply with certification/declaration requirements.

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