Information on Funding and Fees Charged to Applicants

The activities of OPS LLP "KazCSTT" (hereinafter referred to as OPS) are based on self-financing. The sources of income are the revenues generated from conformity assessment activities, in accordance with the Charter of LLP "KazCSTT."

OPS has a reserve fund, established by an order from the Director of LLP "KazCSTT," to fulfill its obligations arising during the conformity assessment work.

The cost of conformity assessment services is determined based on the application submitted to OPS, considering the specifics of the product and the scope of work required for conformity assessment.

To determine the cost of conformity assessment services, the applicant must fill out the following applications:

- "Application for Product Certification";

- Application for Registration of the Declaration of Conformity..

The expenses related to conducting conformity assessment work are paid by the applicant, regardless of the results, based on the service agreement for conformity assessment.

For conducting the work, the applicant pays the Executor an amount considering the volume of work performed according to the certification/declaration scheme chosen by the applicant.

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